Sunday, October 13, 2013

This Weekend

This weekend was ideal. All the things you look forward to in a weekend. Well, at least I do, at this time, in this place. I'll quickly and briefly run through the list; and this will be brief.

TV- Hulu Plus
Movies- Netflix
Sassy (our lil black dog)
Little Sister - bike ride, scooter, teach basketball, play board games(family), roller skates and play fighting, singing perfect u-flat notes and reading the Bible together
Alone time
Phone talk with a Special back in Illinois

Grow hour @ church- aka Sunday School
Great Worship and Teaching of the Word of God (expository)
Church Meeting :-)
Popeye's Chicken
Homework with Mom
Moment with my cuz JW3
Home writing this blog
Anticipating a couple phone calls and maybe then a movie and then sleep.


Monday, October 7, 2013

3 Weeks Back!!!

Three weeks back of old bro ties and hi fives
Three weeks back were long hug holds and good byes

Three weeks back settling dust left untouched
Three weeks back kicking up dust as a must

Three weeks back was facebook, phone talks and Skype calls
Three weeks back and most ain't heard a word from me at all

Three weeks back handling problems tryna solve them
Three weeks back explaining how I even got them

Three weeks back working loving my job
Three weeks back working to try to get a job

Three weeks back rehearsing getting ready to act together
Three weeks back ready to keep my act together

Three weeks back and it still feels like Three weeks back
Three weeks back is hard to feel the Three weeks back