Now this holiday was a special one in Chicago. For one it was a holiday that fell on a Monday, secondly it was suppose to be hot. And everyone in Chicago this year have been ready for some heat. I mean, its been raining up until the last couple days and we're in July. I was actually working the overnight shift into this morning, whhhheeennnnn SUDDENLY,! yyyyeeeeeesss,........ SUDDENLY! The homie shows up at Jenkins (where I was working) and says they're going to the beach today. I wanted to go, even tho I had just got off work and knew I probably, NO, definitely needed to sleep. But I went anyway. We got in the car and headed to Montrose Park.
Now although, we had a good day once we got there. The problem was getting there. I don't have any pictures for the ride over. But I'm sure you'll get once I tell you about it. If you're ready say, "Ready"....Now really say it with me. "Ready"
So we get in the car and attempt to get there as quickly as possible. Maaaaan, it took so long I really don't remember how long it actually took. All I know is the the E-way was completely stopped up at every exit. We were in the car, Ricky driving, Tyjuan in the pass and Me in the back seat. We drove and had the windows down, bumpin the radio going back and forth every time a commercial or whack song came on. Oldies, new one, good one and every couple songs, Ricky, being Puerto Rican and and all would it a spanish station and get excited, singing along and dancing in the driver seat while me and Ty tried to pick w/ words we could recognize; which made us equally excited, well almost. As long as the car was moving we were good. But then came the off-ramp lane. WE WEREN'T MOVING!!!!. The sun was beaming through my side of the car and the air was hot as H-E-double hockey sticks. Now I was sweating and getting antsy. I took of my jean shorts and pulled off my shirt to put in in the window to give me shade. But no air dangit! This is when I began to lean over. When I woke up I was still sweating. But we were finally in the parking lot of the park/lake. It only took like 2 hours to get there.....Dang Memorial Day Heat! the rest of that day went good tho...look out for a few pic coming later on.
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