Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Survey on Un(married) Relationships- How Do You See It? {PT.1}

Can you tell that I'm a lil excited about this?

Right off the bat I've got to tell you how I'm thinking to go about this.....I've got the numbers factored for the survey, Split up by question and by gender. Ive got the numbers for each, including the answers I had to omit, and the percentage of what that is. I would have made some type of graph for you all but I haven't done much of anything with this since last semester ended. (If I get extra time I'll make up a graph alright.)

Now the last survey I did had three parts and a few people said that that was too long. I don't care though, so however many parts this take will have to do. That way I can do a few broken up post rather than one super fricken long one...So How should we begin...Ahhhhh, OK.

I'll show you the survey and you can take it yourself if you'd like to right now...
Then we'll follow with post 2 on the numbers in short and then post 3 on some philo/social/psycho/anthro.....pology type business. (that's actually the best part-that's why it comes last).

Please remember that this whole survey is about "UNMARRIED RELATIONSHIPS"... so don't ask me questions about them, my answer will be "They're not married!" (that's the basis of it all)

How Do You See It? A Survey (choose one answer for each)

1. Is it wrong for a single man to pursue a woman in a current unmarried relationship?
    Yes     No

2. Two people in a current relationship are?
    Single   Committed   Bound

3. Do you agree with the statement, "All is fair in Love & War"? [sidebar: "&war" wasn't the original survey]
    Yes     No

4. When a person in a current relationship leaves to be with another are they wrong?
    Yes     No

5. Which best describes the current state of most relationship? (as you see them)
    Oppressive   Possessive   Cooperative

6. How would you describe a relationship status?
    Dating   Courting   Just Together


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