Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day! ... food and family! so?

God is our Creator! our Life Source! Alpha and Omega! Praise and Worship HIM only Forever!
thank you Almighty Father for your grace and faithfulness according to your promises...for goodness bestowed to us as well as justice for that which we are all guilty and deserving of at the least to receive hell. Yet you have seen fit to LOVE us. and you DO. Blessed is God who reigns!

thank you Jesus, Son of God, Savior, King, Judge for your sacrificial ransom on our behalf. You are the WAY, and there is no other way. Thank you, for all things have been given to you by the Father and we who have been drawn to you by this grace submit our everything to you. By the power of your hand, Lord in Your name, Jesus. Bless us, come to our aid, save us continually from ourselves, by the Love and promise of Your Word! Blessed is the Lord who reigns!

thank you Holy Spirit, Spirit of Promise, Truth and Wisdom, Comforter for your everlasting dwelling. For coming to us just as the Father sent you to be with us always. Thank you for peace, leading us to the Truth who is the Son who shows us the Father who sends You to reside within us....Oh God Thank You...Blessed is the Spirit of God who reigns!

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
2nd Corinthians 13:14- The grace o the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion o the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen

Let us be thankful! full of thanks unto God!

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