Thursday, February 14, 2013

I Wish God Would Make More Men Like Me

I wish God would make more men like me
So every woman I meet could be loved
But, the new me
Not the old me
The kind me, not the blind me
To arrogant to see you as more than another  throphy
The letters you wrote me as more than mere openings
But the brokenness

To notice that you had wounds that needed treatment
Did I mention that I know a physician
I'll lift you
I see you; Here
Ride on my donkey, my mentor was a good Samaritan parable
he paid for you sweetheart, I
I just work for Him

Oh Lord! How I wish God would make more men like me!
So that every woman I meet could be loved
The new me, not the old me of course
The converted me
Not the perverted me
The patient me
Not the me, impatiently waiting to tame thee
To BREAK thee
Feeding sweet treats at your accomplishments to let me ride you
Right into the sunset, and then
All night upon even the sunrise
The me that, BROKE you, rode you, and after told you how great you are
Tying you to a post and moving on, but never too far
Not far enough that I can't come back to see you still tied there, broken.
Waiting for me to ride you again; needing me to; wanting me to; because you've been......broken
Thinking that now if you're not worth riding, then what are you good for then

Oh, how i wish God would make more men like me
The me that speaks
Not the me that winked
My flattering speech patterns
My smiles a nd sly eyes
Yes! I was always faded
But, I trained my responses so you couldn't detect
That I, actually, came, to rob you
Ha! I could've been a con artist
But I was never to good at faking it
I was better at making it so that I wouldn't have to take it but rather let you give it to me
The old me that is

I wish God would make more men like me
I know you don't know this me
But I often whisper "I Love You"
As you pass
Hoping you unknowingly heard me

Thinking that maybe
Just maybe, one day, when you feel alone
You'll somehow remember subconciously

I wish god would make more men like me
To forever remind you of worth
That my confidence outweigh your worry
My hug bring comfort
My smile contagiously is caught

To notice those little things that show you how special you are

I wish God would make more men like me
To see you
Know you
Love you
Help you
Encourage and lead you well
To be the kind of man that you need and have never known
At least for those of you who need to see one

the only problem is: I'm not that man, nor can I be
And God doesn't need more men like me
That's the whole point
He wants more men like Himself
Conformed into the image of His Son Jesus Christ

So I pray, God, Make more of us men like you
Because you love and always have loved every woman that has been
And you show us men, how we should be
Sacrificing ourselves
To Love you, so that you, through we, could love she

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